Name. Ayan
Nickname[s]. Timekeeper.
Age. Very old. Appears in his mid 30s.
Date Of Birth. long forgotten.
Place Of Birth. The Time Palace.
Zodiac Sign. Good question
Species. Immortal Being
Gender. Cis Male
Pronouns. He / Him / His
Orientation. Demisexual / Demiromantic
Profession. Timekeeper

AppearanceHeight. 5'9"
Weight. 156 lbs
Eye. A Milky Pale Green
Hair. Black
Complexion. Pale
Voice. Deep and velvety.
Style. Dark colors, long robes and cloaks.
Dominant Hand. Ambidextrous
Scent. Books
Facial Hair. None
Tattoos. He has a clock tattoo on his wrist that does move.
Scars. The clock tattoo also seconds as a scar technically.

MentalEducation. He is highly knowledgeable of many things and if there is something he knows not of well then he takes the time to learn of it.
Languages. Almost every language.
Habits. Finger tapping, running hand through hair, nail biting.
TraitsPositive. Calm, Benevolent, Forgiving, Independent, Patient
Neutral. Formal, Stubborn, Quiet, Private, Reserved
Negative. Dull, Odd, Secretive, Strong-willed, Vague

BackgroundThe Timekeeper or otherwise known by the name he gave himself, Ayan is a magical being that came into existence knowing that he was the timekeeper and time watcher. He was to watch the timeline and make sure nothing fell out of balance and keep things from trying to disrupt it and if he cannot stop something from disrupting it well then he can at least fix the hiccups on the timeline that did get disrupted. Fixing the hiccups is no easy task and it involves him getting involved with the situation directly, steering things in what he feels is the correct direction before things become unstable and causes horrible backlashes.He can see how the timeline will play out and look at anything in the timeline that has already happened as well, sometimes he learns from things that has already happened to get a better understanding and guess at what might happen next. Time is everchanging you see, he can know what will happen in multiple scenarios but nothing is set in stone until one thing rolls into place. Time is tricky, even for a being such as him that has been tasked with being the keeper of time for as long as he surely has.Trivia1. Ayan does not see the same way others do, he is blind in a normal sense but he see's the world through numbers. Everything is made up of numbers that count up from when they began to now, you are a series of hours, minutes, seconds. Your cake is a series of numbers. He cannot see things like the sky or clouds despite one thinking those would be a series of numbers ... perhaps if he was closer they'd have a number property to them as well.
2. He has a timekeeper apprentice, since timekeeping is such a tough task to keep up with there was another timekeeper brought into existence at some point but she is still learning and does not take everything as seriously. She is something like a daughter to him and she too see's the world in numbers like he does.
3. He can be in two places at once, time is weird like that and he can manipulate himself in time and it not have a grand change to anything in the timeline so this means he can be in the time chamber watching the timeline and be out and about amongst others should he wish to be ( which he does partake in sometimes ).

Name. Cynesige Wynnstan Blanchard of Thanamore
Nickname[s]. Cyn
Age. 25
Date Of Birth. January 18th
Place Of Birth. Thanamore Kingdom Palace.
Zodiac Sign. Aquarius
Species. Element Blessed Human
Gender. Cis Male
Pronouns. He / Him / His
Orientation. Pansexual / Panromantic
Profession. Prince of the Thanamore Kingdom

AppearanceHeight. 5'7"
Weight. 150 lbs
Eye. Onyx
Hair. Black
Complexion. Pale
Voice. Smooth, light and not too deep.
Style. Typical princely clothing, all dark colors.
Dominant Hand. Left
Scent. Rain
Facial Hair. None
Tattoos. Has what looks like flames that wrap his left wrist
Scars. the tattoo like mark on his wrist also can count as a scar.

MentalEducation. As the second in line to the throne of Thanamore, he is very well educated.
Languages. English
Habits. Foot tapping, running hand through hair, rubbing his wrist where his element mark is.
TraitsPositive. Calm, Independent, Clever, Caring, Focused
Neutral. Complex, Private, Sarcastic, Self-Conscious, Stubborn
Negative. Cautious, Calculating, Envious, Passive, Secretive

BackgroundBorn as the second son to the Thanamore Kingdom and blessed by the Element of Fire at birth, surprising the king and queen easily for Thanamore is a place that is cold and icy all year. Cynesige did not do well in the cold but he did thrive in fire manipulation, something that he could do thanks to the fact that he was an elemental blessed. There were drawbacks to his power such as the fact that his hands are always too hot to the touch, easily burning those that reached to touch his hands, thus leading him to wearing tough gloves made from dragon hide for it was the only thing that could withstand the heat and allow him the chance to touch things and not have them melt instantly.The king and queen love their second born son but their oldest son did not favor his younger brother for he was jealous of the power his brother could wield, jealous that he could not have that power to utilize on the battlefields and knowing that his brother would never use that power in battle for he was a pacifist by nature and wished to never wished to use his gift for battle. Cynesige knew that he would never gain the favor of his older brother and stopped trying to after many years.Upon reaching adulthood, Cynesige asked the king and queen, his parents, if he could travel through different kingdoms and find ways to use his gift to help others. The king and queen did not want their son to leave, wanting to protect those that might try and use him for his gift but Cynesige was stubborn and left the kingdom of Thanamore anyways, his parents were saddened but knew this would ultimately happen because their son was miserable in the coldest kingdom of all kingdoms and they knew he wished to find somewhere that he could feel happy and much healthier with his gift. Cynesige's brother was happy to not have to look at his brother day in and day out and welcomed the absence of his brother.Cynesige does travel the different kingdoms, helping others with more than just his gift and not letting others know that he is a Prince, though he is bound to be found out one day by someone who knows of Thanamore or if someone see's him using his gift, they almost always know of who he is for word of an Elementally blessed prince does travel.Trivia1. Cyn cannot touch another with his bare hands, he cannot control the heat in his hands at all. He cannot touch objects with his barehands unless he wishes to set it on fire or melt it.
2. Cyn can fire breathe and he is resistant to flames, easily can he walk through them and come out completely unharmed.
3. Cyn likes to eat his food while it is still extremely hot and he enjoys spicy food.

Name. Ithil Oisian
Nickname[s]. Ith
Age. 25
Date Of Birth. December 28th
Place Of Birth. Deep in the forest
Zodiac Sign. Capricorn
Species. Elven
Gender. Cis Male
Pronouns. He / Him / His
Orientation. Pansexual / Panromantic
Profession. Innkeeper

AppearanceHeight. 5'4"
Weight. 134 lbs
Eye. Blue
Hair. Pink
Complexion. Extremely Pale
Voice. Soft and gentle, does not go well with the words he spews
Style. Lots of cream colored clothing and whites and sometimes reds mixed in, clothing isn't always the best quality but it's the best he can do at times.
Dominant Hand. Right
Scent. Flowers
Facial Hair. None
Tattoos. None
Scars. Little stuff on his hands and legs from clumsiness but nothing major.

MentalEducation. His parents taught him what they knew and they were fairly educated themselves despite the poor status that they fit into.
Languages. Elvish, English
Habits. Finger and Foot tapping, running hands through his hair, rubbing the back of his neck when nervous or flustered.
TraitsPositive. Adaptable, Alert, Curious, Efficient, Hardworking, Reliable
Neutral. Sarcastic, Determined, Out-Spoken, Skeptical, Stubborn,
Negative. Blunt, Calculating, Fiery, Impatient, Insensitive, Unhealthy

BackgroundIthil was born deep in the forest bordering one of the biggest kingdoms nearby. What was a happy and wonderful elven village deep in the forest became less of a elven village when the kingdom that bordered that forest kept expanding to make the town for their wonderful humans bigger and bigger. So what was elven land was taken and the Elves had to live amongst humans, not that they were at all against living amongst humans but, the humans of this kingdom did not like living amongst elves at first. Alas, nothing could be done and humans and elves were coexisting now.Humans are always wary of things that they do not understand and understand elves they did not, though over the many years things got peaceful and this town soon became rather balanced with their human and elf coexistence. Ithil watched as humans became less and less wary of the Elves and grew friendlier with them. Yet, Ithil did not believe it was fair that the humans just took the Elven land like it was theirs and did not care and while man Elves were not bothered by it, there were some and Ithil was one of them.He does not hate humans at all, he thinks they are a bit idiotic at times and like to lay claim to land that is not their land all the time and they love to fight among one another over petty reasons. What is such a big kingdom is struggling for the royalties love of starting conflict with other kingdoms. Ithil's wish is that he can slowly save up enough money as an innkeeper to leave this place and find a better and kinder place for his parents to live peacefully as they did before in the old elven village.Trivia1. Ithil's parents bought the inn when Ithil was young and they spent so much of the money they made constantly repairing it and making it suitable for anyone to stay in. They spent more than they made truly which is why Ithil is having to try and make money back to get out of this place they live before conflicts get even worst and cause more hardships for this place in which they live.
2. Ithil overworks himself constantly, he is the only employee of the Inn besides his parents and they are not in the best of shape to be doing a lot of the work that needs to be done so he does it for them. He works himself sick and works more to keep the shabby in from falling apart and to keep it presentable so that more money can be made.
3. Ithil is also not doing as well health wise due to the fact that the kingdom in which he lives in is becoming a very poor kingdom with little resources and there are sicknesses that spread through the kingdom. The sicknesses seem to only target adults, people that can fight for the royals. Ithil is not blind, he knows there is many sabotages going on from other kingdoms that the kingdom he lives in is having conflicts with.

Name. Finnean
Nickname[s]. Finn
Age. 115, physically in his twenties.
Date Of Birth. June 20th
Place Of Birth. A magical forest
Zodiac Sign. Gemini
Species. Unicorn
Gender. Trans Male
Pronouns. He / Him / His
Orientation. Demisexual / Demiromantic
Profession. Traveler / Thief

AppearanceHeight. 5'8"
Weight. 156 lbs
Eye. Blue
Hair. White
Complexion. Extremely Pale
Voice. Raspy, always sounds as if he is hoarse and he always sounds as if he has some kind of cold with the added stuffiness his voice gives off.
Style. He wears the finest clothes, often looking like he is royalty. As a thief, he always gets his hands on the finest clothing.
Dominant Hand. Left
Scent. Lavender
Facial Hair. None
Tattoos. None
Scars. Little stuff but nothing major.

MentalEducation. His parents were highly educated so that lead to him being highly educated as well. He also has a lot of smarts that he picked up as the thieving type that he is.
Languages. The languages of the unicorns and english
Habits. Hair twirling, Staring at stuff when thinking, nail biting.